Hello 2024
Five Bits For 2024: Make It Your Most Delicious Year Yet
This year, instead of resolutions we’re challenging ourselves to do something different.
By Eric Gibson and Crystal Roberts | January 9, 2024If you buy something from a Vittles&Nosh link, we may earn a commission at no cost to you. Read our affiliate policy.
Forget the resolutions and tell the treadmill to kick rocks.
As we say goodbye to 2023, our family at Vittles&Nosh has come up with five things for you to make the most of the new year. Call them challenges. We challenge you to try these five foodie things in 2024 to make it the best year yet.
Try something new.
Oysters? Do it. Cuisine you’ve never tried before? Do it. That’s how we fell in love with Ethiopian food. Order the tofu, try haggis, and make a turducken. Catch a flying shrimp at the teppanyaki grill. You can do it and you will love it.
Get out of your food comfort zone and go big. Yes, it might be terrible but there’s the change that weird food only Andrew Zimmern would eat is your new thing.
Go to a local butcher at least once.
The butcher behind the counter is your friend. Don’t be scared or intimidated and the service rules the roost here. It might be more expensive than you’re local grocer, but the selection and attention are worth it.
Get the tri-tip. Pick out a prime rib and with it, you’ll get the best advice on how to make it. Sausage and bacon are usually made in-house and better than anything off the shelf. Going big? Butchers’ combo packs will feed an army for pennies. Find one and find out.
Visit a farmers market and barter for fresh food.
Go full farm-to-fork. Don’t pass the farm stand on the side of the road, and don’t hesitate to stroll through that sprawling weekend farmer’s bazaar.
The produce will keep money in the pockets of local small businesses and the produce will have a more robust flavor than anything off the shelf at the big stores. Don’t shy away from the hawkers, try that starfruit or weird strawberries.
Eat the rainbow
Wanna eat healthier this year? Eat the rainbow. Mix up your fruits and veggies, proteins, and grains. Try purple rice or eggplant. Give beats another go. Yellow squash and green tea. Blueberries and pineapple. Turn those Halloween pumpkins into seeds and purees. Taste nature’s rainbow.
Drink more water
Yup, we’re talking the opposite of colors here. Not tea, beer, wine, or those fancy-flavored sparkling waters. The real deal. Cold, clear water. Your Fitbit says 8 glasses, but if you can add just one glass for the hydro homies out there, you’re improving your life.
Your body will thank you for it.

Eric Gibson is a rabid fan of barbecue, burgers, ramen, and hot chicken. When not eating or playing with his beautiful daughter Aria, he tries to write and edit for Brewhoppin and Vittles&Nosh.